Wish Per-Preset Footswitches without any function


In FM3-Edit window, in the page FC Per-Preset/Definitions:

I would like that every footswitch with no assignation for tap and no assignation for hold were in dark grey, and all footswitches with some assignation keep the current color.
Then, it would be easy to see the per-preset footswitches used in every preset, (wich are active/used and wich not).

This is the page like it is now. At first sight, it seems that PP# 3 to 6 and 19 to 24 are unassigned. But 3 is Tuner, 4 is Tap Tempo, and 23 and 24 are Reveal Holds used for Layout Links. As I want that these 4 footswitches have no color light, it's difficult to see the difference with the unassigned footswitches.
1.pngI propose to dim the boxes and the inner text of the unassigned footswitches. Something like this mockup, where 5, 6 and 19 to 22 are darker and less visible than 3, 4, 23, 24 (the difference should be higher)

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Sounds simple and smart, but I don't understand what you mean. Can you do a screen capture or a mockup?
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