online store debit card? help!


does the online store only accept credit cards and not debit cards? My credit card has a 500 dollar limit! It would be nice if they would accept debit or allow smaller payments to be made w/ a credit card!
I purchased mine with a debit card and had no problems. I don't remember the specifics, but perhaps you are doing something wrong? If we all had to buy it with credit I doubt Cliff would have half the sales he does ;)

Just keep trying!
Private message me your debit card # and personal info and I will see if it works on my end here. Happy to help.

(Ultra incoming!!!!:twisted)
def. call you bank, they can up the limit usually for one purchese. Also to the guy who said he used his debit card. You did but you used the credit side of your debit card. A purchese is only debit if you enter your pin. Anytime you dont enter your pin for a purchese you are actually using the credit side of your debit card. There thats my bank lessonfor one day, i do this all day at the bank i work at.
yep i called the bank, it finally worked. i was so pissed for a couple of days geez... ultra on the way! now what do i need to update the firmware? i have a macbook pro, can you guys recommend a good midi to usb cable? is that all i need? i just downloaded axe edit..... thanks!!!
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