not worth £2000

This is not meant to be provocative it's just an observation, I can see how people think the AXE FX is worth a lot of money, you just total the cost of each piece of modelled hardware, so does the same logic apply if I fly a Jumbo Jet on my PC flight simulator ?


I'd like to see you gain a pilots license and fly paying passengers to Sydney in a flight simulator.
... not really. You're actually playing guitar with what the Axe produces for real life... w/the flight simulator you're not really flying...:D
To the OP:

I can understand your frustration. It's not a top quality soundcard.

I use the Axe as a standalone to record guitars and basses for production projects. It works fine, has never hampered my workflow (I may be alone in this), and has become a one box solution for location guitar reamping/recording. I am prepared to suffer small issues as a result, as I remember cutting tape, DIing to reamp, and all of the other workflow hindrances of old. The Axe has been a one stop cost effective tool that has done away with my amp buying and hiring costs, and has actually resulted in my work being turned in quicker and with a lower budget than would have been possible without.

I currently use a Liquid Saffire 56 and Octo Pre Mk2 for interfaces. They're superior as interfaces go, but their guitar modelling is non existent. ;) They're handy for drum recordings, location work and orchestral, though!

When a piece of equipment is specialised to a specific job, other considerations are secondary. We do not currently have a USB Neumann U47 mic, for instance, nor an effective all round guitar that digitally interfaces with a computer via USB. Gibson have tried new technology with their 'Robot' series, and we all know where that led us.

In short, we cannot expect a USB guitar to compete with an Apogee interface. We cannot expect the worlds premier amp modeller to compete with an Apogee either.

I would rather have the Axe with USB interfacing (and dare I say it without opening a can of worms.... AE3.0 ), and the OPTION of recording with it, than without, at what remains excellent value for money on a per-amp basis.

I can understand your frustration, I just don't agree with it, and that is just my opinion. :)
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unlike most of the users here i haven't had rack units but I have had my fair share of stomp boxes modellers etc.. I've never spent that much money all at once on anything else and I just starting working not too long ago. Its opened up a lot of doors for me. recording, gigging, creating tones, I met a lot of new friends here on this forum as well. at the same time I feel like i'm learning more about sound design and effects than I ever have and I cant complain at all. even before v10 I still thought everything was superb.

I only can complain that I don't have enough time for this thing :)
@Soultrash. Your continued fan boy rant is terribly annoying.

Sorry, with all respect - Soultrash shared his opinion, so I do! And speaking out the truth - there are some topics on the AF2 that could be better for real. The USB audio issue (on mac!) is such a topic. And with all given respect for FAS and their team, a so called USB Audio Class 2.0 compatible interface, who needs to get his definition/usb-controller file after each power up, is neither using the benefits of class compatible devices and is not a high standard that close up the lines to the far superior amp modeling capabilities of the AxeFx. As I said - those capabilities are worth more than £200'000 for least! So I can understand his frustration, since I got a better solution for my daw, I don't share the frustration myself ;)

That's something we all can learn. There are pros and cons everywhere, even on an AF2. When I read the comments in this thread I found many post from people can't stand the OT poster criticism feedback. Of corse it was his first post, but some people using message boards mainly for information and customer feedback, not for talking to each other in the 1st place. You can pick up an opinion, read it - and if it's not yours - leave it! Or you can answer - but notice, there are many opinions, incl. yours - we have different users with different level of experience here. If somebody talks negative in your opinion doesn't mean that he's a negative guy or wrong.... just think about it ;)

USB 4.0 is out ... with full supprt of AE 5.0.
Man, it's killer. You don't even need a guitar.
ok guys, thanks for the abuse and name calling, nice forum, opinions are opinions, but to name call is a little child like me thinks,

People here tend to be a little bit too aggressive in defense of this product that they love, but it is a good place and most people here will go a long way to help people out. It wouldn't hurt if next time you thought a little bit more about the way you wanted to express your opinion.

the axe fx 2 is the Ferrari of guitar modular and to fit it with a cheap sound card is to me a bit of a rip and cost could have been kept down by FAS. you don't put wind up windows in a Ferrari and this what it feels like.

I agree... The Axe as an interface is one small step away from useless. It's great if you want to plug into your computer and play through computer speakers. It's good if you want to record some song ideas out of a single guitar track and that's about it... But explain to me how is it a rip? How much cost do you think would have been saved were it not included? Keep in mind that the Axe already has a USB connection for updates and whatnot so I'd imagine turning the Axe into an interface is more a matter of software code rather than additional hardware. So again... What's the problem?

so, welcome to the forum and make sure you all know what your saying before you all talk crap......

Says the man who enters the forum calling the AxeFX2 a rip off for including something that in all likelihood adds practically nothing to the final cost. :roll
Sorry, with all respect - Soultrash shared his opinion, so I do! And speaking out the truth - there are some topics on the AF2 that could be better for real. The USB audio issue (on mac!) is such a topic. And with all given respect for FAS and their team, a so called USB Audio Class 2.0 compatible interface, who needs to get his definition/usb-controller file after each power up, is neither using the benefits of class compatible devices and is not a high standard that close up the lines to the far superior amp modeling capabilities of the AxeFx. As I said - those capabilities are worth more than £200'000 for least! So I can understand his frustration, since I got a better solution for my daw, I don't share the frustration myself ;)

That's something we all can learn. There are pros and cons everywhere, even on an AF2. When I read the comments in this thread I found many post from people can't stand the OT poster criticism feedback. Of corse it was his first post, but some people using message boards mainly for information and customer feedback, not for talking to each other in the 1st place. You can pick up an opinion, read it - and if it's not yours - leave it! Or you can answer - but notice, there are many opinions, incl. yours - we have different users with different level of experience here. If somebody talks negative in your opinion doesn't mean that he's a negative guy or wrong.... just think about it ;)

I said in my reply that he OP is entitled to his opinion did I not? I also pointed out that I prefer my RME audio interface for those functions. I also said he very well may be perceived as a troll when its your first post on a product oriented forum and you use words like "not worth it" and "utter crap". That is just plain ole common sense. I would expect many others to have similar opposing opinions to the OP's delivery regardless of the validity of his assertions. Mr. Soultrash constantly tosses out the fanboy moniker whenever anyone disagrees with someone posting a negative comment about the Axe. I vehemently disagree with generalizations like that. As I posted to Soultrash I find it very odd that he so often stands up for the rights of the negative poster to express his opinion yet clearly admonishes others for rendering theirs. I find his stance and yours woefully hypocritical and annoying and said so. It's my opinion.
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This unit is outstanding when it comes to recording. I use Cubase 5 with Win7 and it sounds so damn good I can't put down my guitar. I couldn't be happier in this department.
At the suggestion of their developers who we're working with, we are soon to be installing Apple's newest build of OS X Mavericks to see if they have made improvements in their Clock Adaptation. If so, I believe that the wish for awesome USB performance will be fulfilled.

In our experience, USB Performance on Windows is already solid.

Aside from that, I ask some of you to tone it down with the ad hominem.
At the suggestion of their developers who we're working with, we are soon to be installing Apple's newest build of OS X Mavericks to see if they have made improvements in their Clock Adaptation.

Dear M@

Why FAS is using host clock instead of device clock? That's the reason why Windows is already solid! There are plenty of rock solid USB audio devices for mac since 2001, all using device clock! There are plenty of audio class 2.0 devices using device clock instead of host clock, they run sock solid too, but there is no working adoption of audio class 2.0 on windows yet. Why FAS still need to do the other way, it almost looks that you guys built some hardware and later found there is some discrepancy regarding driver and system compatibilities. The mac driver is not a driver - it's a soft usb controller, while the Win driver is a real ASIO driver. So please don't tell us we have equal terms of both operation systems here. It's unfair!!!

There is no need to blame apple....neither on 10.6.x or up to 10.8.x

Dear M@

Why FAS is using host clock instead of device clock? That's the reason why Windows is already solid! There are plenty of rock solid USB audio devices for mac since 2001, all using device clock! There are plenty of audio class 2.0 devices using device clock instead of host clock, they run sock solid too, but there is no working adoption of audio class 2.0 on windows yet. Why FAS still need to do the other way, it almost looks that you guys built some hardware and later found there is some discrepancy regarding driver and system compatibilities. The mac driver is not a driver - it's a soft usb controller, while the Win driver is a real ASIO driver. So please don't tell us we have equal terms of both operation systems here. It's unfair!!!

There is no need to blame apple....neither on 10.6.x or up to 10.8.x


IME not every developer is a master at both OSX and Windows. They're pretty different. Maybe your comment will be a nice piece of info.
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