Not a Virgin with the AF3 any more

Conley Shepherd

Ok, I had a great setup and it was awesome playing with my first show with the new band. The Axe worked without any issue and sounded great! It is not the easiest piece to work with, but the results are well worth it!

Using a Matrix GT1000FX, 2-NL12 speakers and Shure wireless with my LTD EC1000T


Very glad I have this setup and looking forward to learning much more to bring even more badassery to the stage!
Sweet. Almost identical to the setup I have in mind. Had envisioned diff speakers but am open to the NL12. Any advice on the kit?
not sure what you mean about the kit. These NL12 speakers are very light and very loud with great sound. The Matrix GT1000FX is a great little amp.
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