no sound after quantum 1.00 update.


Hey guys,

I normally use the Axe as a audio interface for my computer, but after installing the quantum update there is no sound at all. what could be the problem?
in the system preferences the inputs/outputs are both set to axe fx,
if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know thanks!
Hello Adildo,

I don't know if this has anything to do with your problem, but you might want to check this thread

if it's not related to that , you might want to include more details of your setup, computer OS version .. etc etc .. to help people narrow it down


hi thanks am currently using OSX 10.9.4 and a lot of people have told me not to update to the more recent OS due to bugs or conflicts with logic. im guessing i will check out the threads you have posted since i see that there is quite a lot of information there.
thanks for such a quick reply!
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