New Animals as Leaders Artist Profile Video

I personally have no need to have Tosin & Javier's presets. These guys are both over the top talented, but those presets are very specific to their unique gear. I do however think, that after hearing Tosin and Javier explaining how much work they put into their templates to work with the 8 string environment at Axe-Fest West, that Axe-FX players who do use 7/8 string guitars, and who are into playing this style music will greatly benefit by the sharing of some of the core AAL presets. These guys owe nobody the use of their proprietary presets, although sharing a few of them, which incorporate their filter choices, PEQ's etc., would be very considerate to say the least.

Awesome video to say the least!!
As I mentioned before... I'm more interested in their clean presets, especially in how they setup their effects to give them the 'shimmer' and such.
That's pretty disappointing. At least it explains why FAS haven't released the patches. You can't go undermining one of your artists and hurt them financially.
It wouldn't hurt them financially one bit if these presets got released a bit early. Getting to see/hear them sound check is worth the price. Plus the q&a time would be cool too. I'm guessing we'll eventually see these pop up.
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