ML Brit Collection/Bulb Angle Citrus Collection


ML Sound Lab did me a solid and released the cab packs to me a few days early. To show my appreciation, I whipped up a short demo. I'm blown away by the sound quality of these IR's. The rhythm guitars are the stock HBE preset bundle in the ML Brit Collection. The lead guitar is Angle Severe 2 with the Bulb Blend Placid IR. The clean patch is a 5153 into the Bulb Blend Placid IR. The guitar is a PRS Singlecut with Dimarzio 36th Anniversary PAF in the bridge and an Eric Johnson bridge pickup in the neck. Enjoy.
I've been a JMR fan ever since I saw the Tone Merchants videos where you demonstrate all those great amps. I'd go as far as saying you've been an influence of mine because I really like your melodies and I think I go for something similar myself. So thank you for this awesome clip once again! Love the rhythm, love the lead, love everything that's in this clip. :)
ML Sound Lab did me a solid and released the cab packs to me a few days early. To show my appreciation, I whipped up a short demo. I'm blown away by the sound quality of these IR's. The rhythm guitars are the stock HBE preset bundle in the ML Brit Collection. The lead guitar is Angle Severe 2 with the Bulb Blend Placid IR. The clean patch is a 5153 into the Bulb Blend Placid IR. The guitar is a PRS Singlecut with Dimarzio 36th Anniversary PAF in the bridge and an Eric Johnson bridge pickup in the neck. Enjoy.

Great Job !, Love your hands feel in guitar solo section in particular !
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