MIDI from iPad/BandHelper - Scene change


Hi guys

My AX8 is MIDI controlled from iPad setlist app "Bandhelper" I have no problem in connecting or changing to a regular preset using MIDI.

But I'm kinda lost it when it comes down to change preset and scene in MIDI commands.

I dont know if any of you guys are familiar with bandhelper app. I basically gives you 3 parameters/ways to control MIDI:

Bank LSB: 000
Bank MSB: 000
PC: 000

Im using the last option PC: 000 and enters any desired preset number, i.e.: PC: 001 for preset nr 1. It works fine.

Anyone experienced MIDI gurus around here? I also have the option to handle MIDI via HEX numbers, that is a foreign language for me
Yes I know :)

My problem is i dont know how to tell bandhelper to send a CC command :-( Maybe others users have got it to work...
Always exciting when you figure out how to get something working. Recently Ive been wanting to use midi from the AXFIII to start a song or play some audio in the middle of a song. I'm using the midi block and setting a scene to be the trigger to send a CC to BandHelper to play the audio file. Audio out of my iPhone into input 2 L/R then to my outputs. I'm a complete noob when it comes to CC I must have read over the documentation a hundred times before I got it. :rage:
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