Midi dump impossible ... Help


Hi all , i had been trying unsuccessfully a midi dump between 2 ultra ( mine: v10.01 the other one: v10.02 )
So i can t do that because it s not the same version ?
Thanks in advance ,
me said:
presets, banks, or system?
scratch that... doesn't matter.
you're correct. due to the way the SysEx transfers changed in 10.02 (bright shiny new official MIDI Manufacturers Association Manufacturer's ID), none of those operations would work between those units unless they were on the same firmware.

I would up- or downgrade the firmware on whichever one is yours (assuming one of them's not) and then it should work (double-check the SysEx IDs match post- up/downgrade though). This should not harm any settings or presets between 10.01 and 10.02.
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