Fractal Fanatic
Good video and thread this, thanks @camilovelandiamusic!
My personal fav Axe-FX version of the Klon would probably be the one camilovelandiamusic has dialled in for this video, however that said, pretty much every time I have heard a Klon in person/on YT it has sounded different. I don't actually know what a Klon sounds like because everyone dials it in differently and uses it for different reasons.
My personal fav Axe-FX version of the Klon would probably be the one camilovelandiamusic has dialled in for this video, however that said, pretty much every time I have heard a Klon in person/on YT it has sounded different. I don't actually know what a Klon sounds like because everyone dials it in differently and uses it for different reasons.