So, I'm not the only one that feels this way?to my ears the gain structures in the axe sound the same.
they just differ a bit in the EQs. :roll
So, I'm not the only one that feels this way?to my ears the gain structures in the axe sound the same.
they just differ a bit in the EQs. :roll
Well, I've tried driving the amps with a TS type, which I would normally do, but this doesn't completely change the gain character, which brings me to the next quote ...
Unacceptable. I should be able to use the 5150 model. The 5150 has one of my favorite drive tones. I've also already tried fiddling around with the master and have tried several drives in front of several amps. Drives are meant to push the amp into further saturation/drive and the character should be able to come from the amp (simulation).
Jens, with all due respect, if you've read the opening post, I already stated that I tried other amp models and other pre-gain options. It comes down to the fact that, with an Axe-FX ULTRA, I should be able to use the 5150 to my liking. It's like saying to someone; "Oh, your Tele doesn't sound good? Try a Gibson LP."I think it's fine if you just write it off as not what you want and try to fix it by buying other stuff, that might be one way to solve the problem.
But still: Your complaint is that the setup does not get you the sound through your cab with the 5150 sim and a TS drive, and you are not interested in looking at other options? But you do ask for advice, or are you just looking for other people to also complain?
I think that you have a bigger chance of finding what you want if you are more opened minded with the options in the Axe, and you'll get much more useful advice if you give some examples of the type of sound you are looking for. If you are infact looking to solve the problem with your setup as it is. If you start out by limiting your choices down to one amp and two drives then you are going to have a harder time getting there.
But you are of course welcome to disagree
I disagree. The models are modeled after the amp named in the model. I use the Blackface model because I like my cleans Fender-y and I want to use the 5150 model because I like the gain character of a 5150. For a lot of people, the Axe is supposed to be something that makes them want to exchange their existing amps because the Axe models them well.There is no point in obsessing over what amp model is selected. Does it really matter if it says 5150 or something else if it gets you the tone you want? Personally I'm against this whole "let's model every amp known to man" mentality because we could easily get the same tones with a handful of generic amp models and EQ tweaking.
I use a FRFR setup and I don't think any of the amp models I use are what I thought I would use when I got the unit. In any case, the FRFR with poweramp and cab modeling makes a big difference in how varied tones you get. I use the Atomic FR combo.
Well, in my case, it would be a cab. It would still be mic'd up at a gig. What else should I see it as? Okay, it has the full frequency range, but I still think of it as a guitar cabinet, because that's what I'm using it for.
I agree ... however, I should've said this in the opening post, we play pretty big gigs, but, we also play plenty of gigs in small clubs and such where the PA is just good enough to handle vocals and some synths. Seeing as I'm running a stereo synth setup as well and we have a vocalist that works a mono synth as well, we pretty much run out of inputs on some of the crummy PA's. The only consistent way to have a guitar sound then is through a traditional cab setup. Even if I would replace that with a monitor, it would still probably not push enough to really cut through when 3 guitars aren't being mic'd.At first after I went to the Axe I did the same thing, After using it for quite a few years now I can truly say it is much better to run an IR to FHO and have a monitor(s) at my feet.
So, I love my Axe-FX ULTRA for cleans and I'm quickly done with editing them and am often satisfied with those quite quickly, however, all of the gain in the amp models sound really quite alike.
I'm using the ULTRA with a Peavey 50/50 Classic Stereo Power Amp with a Koch TS212 cab.
Is it the fact that I run it with a certain power amp and this cab? I'm constantly fiddling with the settings on models like the 5150 model, the JCM 800 / 900 models and the JTM45 model. I like them, but the gain structure is pretty similar and I'm not really 'feeling' that I've switched amps drastically. It kinda bugs me that I still haven't found 'my gain sound'. I try fiddling with the gain, the master, the sag (enabling the power amp modeling and disabling it to let the Peavey work on its own), the damp, depth, presence, the EQ, you name it.
Am I the only one that kinda feels this way?
IThe only consistent way to have a guitar sound then is through a traditional cab setup. Even if I would replace that with a monitor, it would still probably not push enough to really cut through when 3 guitars aren't being mic'd.
Not true. There are plenty of active FRFR cabs that will get far louder than anything you would ever want or need. With the right cab, you would have no problem at all cutting through. You could easily get one powerful enough to drown everything else out if you wanted to.
Way out of my price range, besides, these are monitor wedges and won't project the sound properly in a non-mic'd / non-DI application.Hello demolition.
Go for the rcf nx 12 sma with confidence! I use One with my ultra and i am completely satisfied
Way out of my price range, besides, these are monitor wedges and won't project the sound properly in a non-mic'd / non-DI application.