Let's all wish Cliff good vibes and a quick recovery!

I don't know you personally Cliff, but I enjoy one of the fruits of your labor. Get well soon, take some time off for yourself as soon as you can. Life is too short to not enjoy and take a break now and then. Truely take some time off and care for yourself. Your company will still be there when you get back. Take care..
Cliff, Time to brake out the R/C planes and go have some fun... Stress can be harsh and people carrie it differently it's time for a long deserved rest, be well.
Sorry to hear you're unwell Cliff, I hope you fully recover very soon. Don't pay much heed to your critics, there's a lot more for you than against. Without knowing every detail of the circumstances surrounding your life and company, any critical judgment that's been leveled at you is "Unrighteous Judgment". That narrows the field somewhat as I imagine there would only be a very small handful of people who are properly in the know, and qualified to even comment. Those very people I hope will be your comforters and encourager's for what is really in your heart to achieve. Take your time to get well Cliff.............
Best regards Cliff.

People who consider that they have had a bad experience are more inclined to go to all lengths to express themselves and make as much noise about it as possible (this is a natural coping mechanism intended to somehow quell their perception of being 'hard done by'). The numbers of these cases would actually pale in comparison to the quantity of happy customers out there who enjoy their purchase and simply go about their business contently.

In extraordinary cases, there would be another portion of cutomers who are so satisfied and impressed with the product that they will publicly voice their unsolicited approval and gratitute - hence what we are seeing above in this post and throughout this forum. My view is that this circumstance is of much greater significance than the spatter of criticsms made by the first group.
I've watched this drama surrounding the AxeII in complete bafflement. From every angle it's incomprehensible to me, but from the standpoint of literally "killing the golden goose", it's starting to concern me.

As an electronic engineer, I have a huge amount of respect of the Axe as a product, but even more for Cliff doing what every corporate engineer dreams of doing, quitting the rat race and doing your own thing. Not only did Cliff have the stones for that, but he was successful at it, to a huge extent.

Cliff, get well and remember you are living the dream, you are getting to design what you want with no bosses telling you what to do. F everything else, particularly the chat room nimrods.

Get well soon big man. Treat the ulcer like an indignant whiner and kick its butt.

Hoping for a fast recovery for you man.
I am one of those who was pretty vocal about expressing my opinions on the release of Axe-II.
I truly am sorry for having been a part of what caused your health issues. I do not mean ill for you and have enormous respect for the product that you have created.

I do hope too that you recover soon and enjoy what you love to do, be it development of Axe-FX or other things you enjoy in life.
I'm no world renown player Cliff. I'm just another guy who really loves to play guitar, and I think your work produced the best guitar tool I have ever played through. I'm on the wait list for the MFC-101, but I have two thoughts. One) If it were not such a great controller, there would be no wait list. Two) Good things come to those who wait.

If you don't mind, I'll put you on our prayer list at church.

Nexium? Yikes! Talk about purple people eater.
Cliff, I find it is bothering me greatly that you are stressed to the point where it is impacting your health. I used to teach and train worship leaders back in the day, and I always shared this story with them in hope that they would keep a proper perspective on their efforts and work. With the utmost respect I offer the same thought to you.

Imagine you just did a performance for 1000 people. You get the big standing O and thunderous response for your performance. After your program, you step out into the foyer where dozens of people surround you and tell you how great your performance was, how blessed they were, so on and so on. As the many are flattering you with their praise, two people walk by and you over-hear what they are saying. The first says, "So what did you think of Cliff?" The other replies, "I didn't really care for him. He wasn't what I had hoped for." As you drive home, which comment will be the one you remember most? Will it be the lavish praises of the many, or the negative comment of one? All of us know which comment will stick with us. There will always be negative people. I prefer to remember the uplifting comments.
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The stress of this job has become so overwhelming that I have TMJ and an ulcer.

People on these forums don't realize that when everything is directed at one person the stress can be overwhelming. It's easy to criticize, it's difficult to be the brunt of constant criticism.

Hey Cliff, Rich from Line 6 here. I had a mutual friend let me know what you are going through by forwarding me your post. I just registered to jump in and say, hang in there. I do know how hard it is and I can't imagine if it was directed only at me. I really want to encourage you. You make killer products. You have been nothing but cool to me. I think you are a brilliant guy. Just hang in there. Let it roll off a bit. There will always be haters. If you ever want to just talk about the stress and compare notes, feel free to hit me up. Email me at richrenken@line6.com.

Seriously, hang in there. You are one of my favorite people in the industry. Positive vibes and my prayers are with you.
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Hey Cliff, Rich from Line 6 here. I had a mutual friend let me know what you are going through by forwarding me your post. I just registered to jump in and say, hang in there. I do know how hard it is and I can't imagine if it was directed only at me. I really want to encourage you. You make killer products. You have been nothing but cool to me. I think you are a brilliant guy. Just hang in there. Let it roll off a bit. There will always be haters. If you ever want to just talk about the stress and compare notes, feel free to hit me up. Email me at richrenken@line6.com.

Seriously, hang in there. You are one of my favorite people in the industry. Positive vibes and my prayers are with you.

Man, that is being a class act Rich! We need more of that on the forum
Hey Cliff, Rich from Line 6 here. I had a mutual friend let me know what you are going through by forwarding me your post. I just registered to jump in and say, hang in there. I do know how hard it is and I can't imagine if it was directed only at me. I really want to encourage you. You make killer products. You have been nothing but cool to me. I think you are a brilliant guy. Just hang in there. Let it roll off a bit. There will always be haters. If you ever want to just talk about the stress and compare notes, feel free to hit me up. Email me at richrenken@line6.com.

Seriously, hang in there. You are one of my favorite people in the industry. Positive vibes and my prayers are with you.
Much KUDOS to Rich for this post!
Cliff, Get better...I know it is tough but your heath and family come before the company (more difficult when it is your own small business).

Rich, Thanks for your comments, I know you are a stand up guy from the other forums and our discussions. You and Cliff are such great industry leaders and show so much care for both the products, technnology and us (somtimes pesky) users...

Both great folks,

Get well Cliff and take a dose of perspective:

Just remember the reason so many people who don't even know you at all like you so much is because you deliver unique and excellent product that makes them all very happy. Your passion for quality and innovation shows in the excellence of the product. No one can take that away from you and you deserve to have some pride in it but you probably are denying yourself that benefit because you are up to your neck in the nuts and bolts of delivering the great stuff once again.

Stop. Look around and put it in perspective. You have done well and supported your product at a level far above the average company.

The down side to being someone who can provide so many people with a positive event is you will attract envious little worms who so desperately need to feel powerful that they try anything to drag you down to their level so they can be seen as your equal.

They don't define you, you already defined yourself with your deeds. I don't know you but I know enough to see you are doing great...you just need to let yourself see it too now and then and the worms won't bother you much at all.

Go fishing, drink a cold one and remember how you got where you are. And as you are slipping the bait onto your hook, maybe a worm for example, remember it's OK if it makes you smile ;)
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Hey Cliff, Rich from Line 6 here. I had a mutual friend let me know what you are going through by forwarding me your post. I just registered to jump in and say, hang in there. I do know how hard it is and I can't imagine if it was directed only at me. I really want to encourage you. You make killer products. You have been nothing but cool to me. I think you are a brilliant guy. Just hang in there. Let it roll off a bit. There will always be haters. If you ever want to just talk about the stress and compare notes, feel free to hit me up. Email me at richrenken@line6.com.

Seriously, hang in there. You are one of my favorite people in the industry. Positive vibes and my prayers are with you.

How cool is that? Nice post Rich.

Regardless of whether we're competition, partners, users, large companies, small companies or whatever, we're all just humans and can all get affected by this crap just the same. I'm actually GLAD that most people don't have their own small businesses to run so they don't have to experience how the silliest of stresses, regardless of how inconsequential they are in the grand scheme of things, can affect you, the ones around you and your health.

Get better quick (again) Cliff and good on you Rich!
Hey Cliff, Rich from Line 6 here. I had a mutual friend let me know what you are going through by forwarding me your post. I just registered to jump in and say, hang in there. I do know how hard it is and I can't imagine if it was directed only at me. I really want to encourage you. You make killer products. You have been nothing but cool to me. I think you are a brilliant guy. Just hang in there. Let it roll off a bit. There will always be haters. If you ever want to just talk about the stress and compare notes, feel free to hit me up. Email me at richrenken@line6.com.

Seriously, hang in there. You are one of my favorite people in the industry. Positive vibes and my prayers are with you.

+1 - very classy Rich.


As are many others, I'm pulling for you and hope that your health continues to improve.

All the best,
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