@hippietim I just wanted to let you know that I fixed the issue I was having with using the Studio Sets and I love this Integra even more now. The FC12 will work fine and I can change sounds when I change scenes, so I'll be stoked with this. I got my invite for the FC and ordered today. I ended up apologetically cancelling the order on the Mastermind, but told him if I wasn't totally satisfied with the FC I'd be in touch at a later date.
Issue I was having is that I would get hanging notes if I tried to load a different Studio Set when changing scenes. I thought it was just the nature of the slight lag when changing the whole Studio Set at once, but suspected that if I picked up a MIDI merger to properly combine the Program Changes I was sending to the Integra 7 from my Axe-FX III along with the note information that the GR 55 was sending. That cleared up the issue. Now, even though there is a load progress message when you load another Studio Set during a scene change, the sound loads quicker than the message and I haven't had an issue with notes hanging since I added the MIDI merger box.
Of course, routing it into Input 2 of the AFX III really makes this thing scream. I've been working with the effects, and in particular those new comb filters that were added not too long ago. Get those set with just the right modulation and you can get a lot more mileage out of those pads without even really having to change presets on the song.
Sorry for kicking in the GAS on this, but wanted to follow up in case you or anyone else reading this were thinking of trying something like this. Having a separate box to merge the MIDI signals cleaned things up nicely.
Now that I’m actively looking for a deal on an Integra 7 for myself (curse you @ghengis lol), I looked over the manual some more last night. Here’s a couple more thoughts:
- You can send PC messages to slots in a studio set. So you could actually change patches if you had to due to lag.
- With 16 slots, you can load two full sets of tones and route them to different outputs on the Integra and have them come in different inputs on the Axe. It’s real easy to toggle those on the Axe with no MIDI at all. So 1-6 go out together and 7-12 go out a separate output. This would be cool for different effects applied in the Axe or to control the mix with an expression pedal.