Interesting blog about EVH use of Variac

Simon Godden

Probably nothing that people here didn't already know, but I found it interesting. I have been particularly enjoying the 6550 Plexi on the FM3 with the Variac on 75% so it prompted me to start researching a bit.

Main takeaway that I didn't realise was that he did not use a variac as part of tone chasing, it was simply due to managing volume, and happened to sound great into the bargain.
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According to Eddie, it was really an accidental discovery that began with buying a Marshall head that was, unbeknownst to him, wired for Euro 220 volts. The discovery of what it sounded like when it finally came on at 1/2 power got him asking about voltage controllers, thus the Variac. In that particular interview, he said 89-90 volts was the sweet spot on his US voltage Marshall.

I recently saw a video that used a Suhr SL68 (a Marshall clone), and it had a low power switch that cut mains power to 90 volts. A cool feature, and it sounded great. Ed knew his stuff!

Edit: Went to your link and a transcription of the interview I watched is there. In best Roseanne Rosannadanna voice... “never mind” :)
The Mesa/Boogie Mark IV, Lonestar, Rectifier series, and a few others have a similar feature too. It's called Tweed Power on the Mark IV and Lonestar and Spongy/Bold on the Rectos. It's a switchable tap on the power transformer primary that drops the amps voltages just like a variac. Definitely a nod to EVH there.
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