Input 2 and Ouput 2



I have a problem. I would like to use two guitars in the Fractal. One should plug in In1 and out1 while the other should be plugged in IN2 and OUT2. I care about the correction of both guitars using the OUT1 and OUT2 potentiometers. When I plug the guitar in IN2, the input signal is but is not output 2 signal. What may be the problem ? Please help.
Check I/O Settings: Audio: Output2 Echo. You need it set to “None”. Page 135 of the manual refers.

Then check that your FX loop blocks are in the correct locations in the grid, and configured correctly.
Thanks everbody, I got it !

Output 2 echo -> none

Chain like this: return -> efects etc. -> fx loop -> send. And everything its ok :)
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