I used to be catholic but now...

I really dig the AX8. It will come to good use in my band. We play at the black mass every week and I can really get some satanic sounds out of this thing. I was constructing a preset the other day to emulate the voice of satan - that pich shifter+octaver really does the trick!
Last night I couldn´t get over it, lol: FW 2.02 makes you even smile through crappy headphones for ...sake!

My first 3 amendments so far:

Thou shalt not be unhappy (the AX8 can give you more than you can take)
Thou shalt not covet perfection (perfection is the end of evolution - and firmware updates)
Thou shalt not tweak on Sundays (tweak your wife instead)

add more, my firm believers, I´m curious...
I was playing some Amy Grant songs with mine but for some strange reason Stairway to Heaven was coming out of my cab. Not only that , it was playing backwards? I looked down at my fingers in amazement and sure enough I was fingering the song "El Shaddai" !

Dayum, Knuckles, you surely entered the next level. How did you get there? Still performing the mortification of the flesh ritual with my AX8...
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