I/O Settings for headphones

Headphones go to Out 1. Nothing to change, but probably want Output 1 set to Stereo if you changed that to something else before.
I have a set of Blue Mofis and whats the best I/O settings when using headphones?
me personally, mofis connected to headphone jack, mofi amp off, preset properly leveled internally (i.e peaking around the 0.0 line on the OUT1 block level meter), front panel OUT 1 Levels knob a little before noon (i like it at around 47-50% when checked from Setup -> Utilities -> ADC Levels, the mofis can tend to distort on some low frequency content if OUT 1 level is much above 50%). I leave OUTPUT 1 Configuration at default of Mode: Sterdo, Output Level: -10 dBv, Phase: Normal.
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