Huge thanks to Leon Todd for his vids

Lee Servis

I’ve read other threads thanking Leon for his frequent knowledge sharing vids... but I just had to add my gratitude after watching his “scene controller” vid - well worth a watch for anyone wanting to to turn their fave amp(s) into a 2-8 channel beast.
I’ve only had my AX8 a few weeks (bought new from G66 in Germany) and have had the FX8 Mkii for about 18 months... but Leon’s “scene controller” vid made the concept (especially for a modelling newbie/ Neanderthal such as me) so accessible.
Leon Todd, I thank you.
I always turn to Leon for his tutorials if I need to do something on the AX8 I haven’t done before. Straight forward and easy to understand.
I have great admiration for all the folks who can just fire up a video camera and push these out there into the world. I’m old enough that making videos still seems a little magical. Also: you’re very good about keeping your workspaces clean! :D If you’re anything like me, when I work from home, it’s something like this no doubt:

Leon with his excellent video's is one of the reason's Im on the look out to buy my first piece of Fractal gear!
Thank's Leon, keep up the great work.
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