How to optimize the CPU%

I watched this after it was done. I got quite a few ideas from it and agreed with a lot of your assessment "only use the blocks you need for your sound" and "hi-res" and "ultra-res" are probably not going to be distinguished in a live setting like they might in a studio setting.
I'll need to explore the boost types native to the amp block rather than pop a drive block in the preset. Might be 'good enough' in a live setting too.
Thanks for taking the time to hold the session.
Anyone want to share anything novel from the video? (I know the basics: eco reverb, turn off gate in input block, ...)

I clicked on the video, but when I saw that it was 1 hr 15 mins... No...
Well here are some of the things I got out of it.
Drive block substitutions with the amp block.
Using channels of the same block instead of a second instance.
Reverb economy mode.
Echo density.
Removing unnecessary shunts.
There is more.
I learned something else interesting on how he uses delay for example. Different than I had ever seen before.
I'm glad I spent the time!
Well here are some of the things I got out of it.
Drive block substitutions with the amp block.
Using channels of the same block instead of a second instance.
Reverb economy mode.
Echo density.
Removing unnecessary shunts.
There is more.
I learned something else interesting on how he uses delay for example. Different than I had ever seen before.
I'm glad I spent the time!

Thanks scottp!
Brilliant, thanks! Although my patches average at about 53%, it’s still good to know how to optimize as much as possible. I think my FM3 is going to be the laziest out there once I apply all of your tips.
Excellent video.

Biggest thing I learned was turning off the noise gate saves a percent or two of CPU. I dislike noise gates so it's a win for me!
I've always wanted a Global parameter to turn off the noise gate, rather than just turn it down.
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