How to Midi Map 2 Axe Fx at Once?


New Member
Hey all. I was wondering how one would go about midi mapping 2 Axe Fxs at once from the same soundcard, if possible. I know how to midi map one Axe Fx via program changes in my DAW, but my other guitarist would like to midi map his changes as well. I've seen other bands we've toured with do it. Below is the equipment we're using:

- Axe Fx Ultra
- Axe Fx II
- Tascam US-16x08
- Cubase 8

The tascam only has one midi out/in, we also use it to run our back tracks live. Is it possible to route different patch changes via one in/out (one stays at 001, other switches to 002) or do both of our patches have to be the same? (ie. We're both on 001, then it switches to 002 for both). Is it routed: tascam midi out > axe fx In > axe fx thru to other axe fx in.

If it is not possible to assign different patch changes to each unit can you recommend a midi controller that would do the job?

Thank you!
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