How to make this sound? Rush Marathon

sick pickle


This build solo that takes place before the main lead …is this just a delay with a long time and feedback so it cascaded into each other? It almost sounds like there’s some pitch shifting or something going on.
If you search for the Big Monkey preset
It was posted on here a while ago by Alex's old tech, it's written for the song Big Money, but got me close to that era of tones
This could probably be recreated with long pitch shifting delays, but it sounds like overdubs in the studio. Specially that last high note with the fast vibrato bar while the other notes hold.
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How about using the "sound on sound trick" that Gilmour uses to play the intro of Shine On all by himself to ring out the base chords when so he can do the lead part? Maybe won't be 100% the same but it might work for live.
How about using the "sound on sound trick" that Gilmour uses to play the intro of Shine On all by himself to ring out the base chords when so he can do the lead part? Maybe won't be 100% the same but it might work for live.
Playing around with the "Stack" parameter should work also.
Playing around with the "Stack" parameter should work also.
Thanks I will look into that today. That was the intent of my post here. I wasn’t sure if you would use long delay times, long feedback times, or any other kind of cool parameters that might be built in that I’m just not aware of.
Thanks I will look into that today. That was the intent of my post here. I wasn’t sure if you would use long delay times, long feedback times, or any other kind of cool parameters that might be built in that I’m just not aware of.
Hadn't thought about "stack" parameter when I first replied, but hitting a note, enabling "stack" will let you stack on subsequent notes played. This, at least in theory, seems to be easier to program and manage than pitch shifting delays, but in the end, whatever works best and sounds best.
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