How do I process a stereo signal with DRV and retain stereo signal?


New Member
I've searched the interwebs for this and surprisingly found very little.

I'm feeding my Fx Ultra with two guitar signals (into L and R rear inputs) coming from my DAW. Then I process them on two separate lines and hook them up to my DAW through the L and R outputs. If I bypass the drive blocks, the signals stay separate and retain stereo image (like left guitar being processed on one channel and recorded from left output, and the right guitar being processed on another channel and recorded from right output.)

If I enable the drive blocks, the signal collapses to mono. This is my patch layout:


Left and right signals are processed separately unless I enable DRV block, then its all mono coming out (both left and right channel contain both guitar signals). How do I avoid this and retain the signal separation throughout the patch?
Are you panning anywhere in the preset to get the separate left and right output? What happens if you pan the rows in the Output Block?
Drive block on the Ultra didn't have an input select parameter IIRC, so you end up summing both channels with drive active. You're probably also letting both signals affect both gates, so you might want to do something about this.

Try following this video from around 4:00 with a mixer as first block in each row.

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