has anyone looked inside the MFC-101?

Bruce Kaphan

New Member
I play pedal steel guitar. Recently I purchased an Axe-FXIIXLPlus and am loving it! Since my feet are already in use to play my instrument, in the past, I've repackaged foot controllers into smaller footprint chassis, using smaller/lighter switches that are closer together so that I can quickly move my right hand from a playing position to an economically ergonomic controller located very close at hand. As you can imagine, repackaging something like this is risky and time consuming. Generally speaking, manufacturers tend to void warranties when you do stuff like this... Though the MFC-101's functionality would be wonderful to have, since I can't use it with my feet, before I purchase one to see if it could work for me as either as is as a hand controller or as a repackaged hand controller, I thought I'd post here to see if anyone has any knowledge or ideas that could help me make a better-informed decision. First, can anyone think of any controller out there that would do something close to what the MFC-101 does, that would more immediately suit hand operation? Next, how much force is required to engage the switches if you were to try to do so with your hand. In other words, could I comfortably use the palm of my hand to engage the switches? And as a last resort: has anyone taken their MFC-101 apart to see how it's laid out inside? How many circuit cards are there, and how big are they? Are the LEDs and switches in the 3 rows fed by wire or are they attached to a circuit board? For anyone out there who's repackaged electronics before, could you give me an idea of how feasible you think it might be to repackage the MFC-101 in a smaller package? Thanks for any information/ideas/help!
I can tell you that the three main rows of switches are on PCBs. I don't remember how the display is wired.

The switches (at least on mkIII models) are very easy to engage.

I don't think the MFC will be a good choice for rehousing...

I have a Gordius Big Little Giant that might be good. It's already a much smaller footprint and I think the "brains" are already housed in an enclosure within the main one. If you are interested, I could pop it open later and snap a few pics?

Very powerful midi controller...
that morning star controller is already really small and compact. The mfc is a big box with not much in it. if you are handy with electronics it may be easy to use the brains and make your own switches. if you leave it as it is though you have 4 exp jacks and 2 double switch jacks that would allow you to add your own custom switches with out any mods to the unit, then the unit switches can be use still in between songs and such.
I play pedal steel guitar (PSG) and bass without an MFC. My MFC is just for electric guitar.
On the Axe FX, I just use scenes for PSG and bass and utilize the QUICK CONTROL "A" Knob. If I'm just playing PSG, I prefer the AX8, since I don't need my heavy rack and wireless units, and can similarly use the QUICK CONTROL "C" Knob. Don't start taking stuff apart bro!
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You might look into the Keith McMillen stuff. There are a few options whose form factor kind of splits the difference between a keyboard and a foot controller.
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