Wish Global Virtual Capo

There is a fundamental issue with Virtual Capo that requires it to be turned off instead of simply setting the shift to 0. See the post here: https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/possible-virtual-capo-bug.169058/#post-2031630

I now am using two Global Performance parameters - one for the Shift and the other to Enable/Disable the Pitch block.
Ack. Enable/Disable doesn't work properly in Performance Pages: https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/performance-pages-block-enabled-state-and-other-bugs.169253/
Came to the wish list to post: make virtual capo available on input blocks but searched and found this. My reason is much the same of what’s already been said. I may be digging some factory or vendor preset and often want to jam to some band that tunes down. I figured having the Shift parameter built into the I nput block would be nice (just like having the Gate settings available here). No more need to fit a pitch block into the existing preset just to tune down.
on a few of my presets, I have the bypass of the pitch block/virtual capo set to toggle with a Control Switch. I then set my Control Switch per scene to be “Last” for that control switch. I can then have a foot switch on my FC bound to toggle the control switch. So when I want to go between standard and slack tunings, I just have to toggle my FC foot switch. That will carry over to a different preset and between scenes.
Was using the setlist feature tonight which renewed my interest in this particular wish. If we were to have a global virtual capo, I would LOVE to be able to specify the pitch of a song when defining for a setlist. Then we could use whatever presets/scenes in the song sections and not worry about pitch blocks/save states in the underlying presets.
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