Gif or Jif?

Personally I say a hard g like the g in Graphics Interchange Format. While i know soft g is technically correct, my experience is most people also say hard g, gif, and not soft g, jif.

At any rate, I’m fine with however people chose to pronounce gif, so long as we can all agree that JIF peanut butter is the best brand of peanut butter ;)
Just realized I've always called PNG 'ping' and I'm not sure why or if anyone else does. I bet others would say 'pee enn gee'.
One of my favorite local band names, "JIF and the Choosy Mothers!"

Was a band in the mid-80's made up of some KRNA radio folks out of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Graphics Interchange Format or Jraphics Interchange Format?

Once its out there you've pretty much lost control over how the audience perceives and receives your work. George Lucas says that Greedo shot first, we all know what the fans think of that. So pronounce it like you want too.

And that's excluding how those for whom English is a 2nd language and who mangle the language will pronounce it. Come to think of it, in Dutch we already pronounce it with a soft G.
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