Ghost - Meliora

Thanks! It doesn't sound like something I'd use alone, but I recorded L and R guitars over the multitrack minus guitar, and I think it sounds pretty close. I converted to Axe Fx III, and dialed the bass and gain back a bit since the guitar I have tuned to D is loaded with Duncan Invaders. Here's my take:

Found the multitracks to Cirice. So I tonematched the guitar track and found an old Ghost preset that I tweaked around for awhile.

Here's the preset/cab bundle.

Let me know what you think.
Hi there. Sorry but is this an axe 3 preset? I ask because I have an FM9 and I believe I need to convert
Hi there. Sorry but is this an axe 3 preset? I ask because I have an FM9 and I believe I need to convert
That is an AX8 preset not a 3. Fractal might be able to convert it but it may not sound like the clip from above.
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