Getting that Tool guitar sound. How to start?

Nice find here. Seems like we should experiment with adding a 4x15 bass cab IR into the mix for some depth. I've not seen that in any presets I've tried to emulate Jones.

There was another video, but I'm having trouble finding it where someone uses the VH4 plugin from brainworx and gets really close to AJ's tone as well. Not an Axe Fx, but I think it was some stand alone direct tones for listening.
I'll give it a shot, but probably fail pretty bad haha! It's 5am when I made this and my ears aren't awake yet.

Here is my attempt at the AEnima tone. To my ears the actual track sounds a bit darker than my tone, but maybe high passing more could help that. I used the Recto 1 amp and I've attached pics of the settings. I also used an old Redwirez Mesa V30 cap1 IR. I also tried copying the settings as best I could for the Flanger and Delay, but didn't put those in this sound clip.'s AJ Tone.mp3?dl=0


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Everything you ever wanted to know.

Don't know if this came directly from Adam, but at one time he did claim the paint on the Silverburst had something to do with his tone.
It was probably in a Guitar World article, and it made me perk up, because that was when I learned he and I had the same guitar, which of course I thought was cool. ;)
Anyway, he had said something to the effect that they had this greenish tint that seems to affect the tone, because he could hear the difference between it and other LP Customs of the era.
Whether it's actually true, I'm sure it's very, very slight.
Don't know if this came directly from Adam, but at one time he did claim the paint on the Silverburst had something to do with his tone.
It was probably in a Guitar World article, and it made me perk up, because that was when I learned he and I had the same guitar, which of course I thought was cool. ;)
Anyway, he had said something to the effect that they had this greenish tint that seems to affect the tone, because he could hear the difference between it and other LP Customs of the era.
Whether it's actually true, I'm sure it's very, very slight.
He's been known in the past to troll pretty hard with reference to his gear. Seems like he's matured a bit with age in that regard but still not sure how much truth there is to that claim. Though, it's entirely possible that he's got some Eric Johnson level of OCD going on and can tell when his 9volts have hit the sweet spot.

Either way, owning a late 70's/early 80's Silverburst has become quite a solid investment the last handful of years. So congrats on that!
99.9% sure he was trolling, but he said something to the effect of the metals in the paints on the older Silverbursts would affect the way the magnets in the pickups will transduce. 🤷‍♂️
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