Gain structure problem w 4 cable method and Fuchs ODS


It seems no matter where I adjust the volume with real or virtual knobs I will get clipping if I run the amp up at a strong performance volume where the Fuchs really shines if you plug straight into it. Anybody else experience this "ceiling" with 4 cable method? So many places to adjust but I always feel its choked in the end and I'm "afraid" to turn it up where it should be in bigger rooms for fear of red lights at the ins and outs.
Post your 4cm preset here, and perhaps someone will see something ...hard to advise otherwise... does your Fuchs have level controls for the loop.?
Ok...I could post the preset, but the flow has no boost on any block aside what might naturally boost something. For example, the clyde wah I had to roll off frequency and back off level control to about -6 to keep it from barking the lights all over the Axe. The input gains (which get compensated and is probably good but slightly confusing when you're trying to "fix" a problem like this) are adjusted to about 40% in 1 and 35% in 2. The Fuchs is super friendly with loop gain and trim. I don't own a Dumble but in many ways this is the amp IT wanted to be :)

I've been pushing around levels all morning and I did come up with one big note to self and others...If you run 4cm get everything sounding clean with no clipping in the headphones or in ears (from the board not the AxeFX unit- The onboard headphone is a total fail in terms of level/ohm acceptance) and give yourself tons of headroom to use the RETURN of the FX loop as your main volume for your head and speakers. Don't do it with the input of the amp or the master of the amp.
Ok...I could post the preset, but the flow has no boost on any block aside what might naturally boost something. For example, the clyde wah I had to roll off frequency and back off level control to about -6 to keep it from barking the lights all over the Axe. The input gains (which get compensated and is probably good but slightly confusing when you're trying to "fix" a problem like this) are adjusted to about 40% in 1 and 35% in 2. The Fuchs is super friendly with loop gain and trim. I don't own a Dumble but in many ways this is the amp IT wanted to be :)

I've been pushing around levels all morning and I did come up with one big note to self and others...If you run 4cm get everything sounding clean with no clipping in the headphones or in ears (from the board not the AxeFX unit- The onboard headphone is a total fail in terms of level/ohm acceptance) and give yourself tons of headroom to use the RETURN of the FX loop as your main volume for your head and speakers. Don't do it with the input of the amp or the master of the amp.
Think you’re on the right track.
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