FXloop settings for preamp / ampsim pedals ?



Before purchasing my Axe FX II, I had purchased and built some pedals, among them Catalinbread naga viper, SDD3000 preamp pedal, Joyo ACtone (liverpool tech 21), English channel (Vox AC30 ampsim pedal), ...
As I play a lot of U2 music, I speak particularly about the SDD3000 pedal . (I know, there is an SD3000 preamp model into the Axe FX II).
This pedal is per definition a big boost, so has the naga viper or the amp sim pedals

I am not sure at all regarding how to set properly the FX loop, as I would like to try them into the Axe but have the possibility to switch them off.

I have read the manual, some posts here on the forum, but I remain not sure at all.
There is already many thread about that, but it remains completely unclear for me.
The only thing I am sure about is that output 2 at 100% is only for 4CM, which is not at all my case.

First question : How to set properly the output 2 (FXsend) volume knob ??
If I interpret that exactly, it is the FXloop send level.
I have read that it must be set as high as possible without clipping the pedals, but I have no idea what does it means intended that I have no clipping led on my pedals.
Where may I check that I am at the "optimal" setting for Output 2 knob ??

Second : I have level both on my pedals and into the FXloop block.
I have read that the level FXblock affect the signal AFTER the FXloop, and not the signal to output 2.
What does that mean exactly ??
My interpretation is that the level in the FXloop block is the FXloop return level . Right ??

If I understand well, it means that I can set the level I prefer on my pedal, and then set the FXblock level as I want to feed the FXreturn of the Axe FX II without any effect on the Output 2 level itself ?

I really need a comprehensive information on this FX loop thing.
I hope some specialists here could inform me better in order for me to take the most of my pedals .

Many thanks in advance.
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