Legacy Fremen's 1970 Plexi Preset with Stormy Monday Impro

Black Bitch

Fractal Fanatic

I'm suffering on a "Sudden Hearing Loss" since about 2 weeks and can't hear anything anymore proper. Sounds like my ears are full of water and very dull. My balance is out of order and when I walk I feel dizzy. I dearly hope this will recover soon while I'm getting Cortison infusions. It makes me very frustrated this last 9 month. First I got a broken index finger, a month ago tendonitis and now this f... So I took the guitar now and with headphones very quiet noodling a very sad and frustrated slow blues jam.......

If anybody is interested, this is my favorit 1970 Plexi 5 Scenes Preset from Fremen.
Scheiße, Scheiße, Toni....alles Gute, ich hoffe dasregelt sich wieder - das es ja kein schleichender Gehörverlust offensichtlich ist. Da sind verdammt viel Höhen auf Deinem Sound, ungewöhnlich eher mit soviel Präsenz. Kann aber Folge der Höreinschränkung und des leisen Abhörens sein.

Shit, Shit, Toni - all the best, I hope things will getting better with your hearing - because it´s not a creeping loos. There are a lot of Highs in your sound, not as usual, maybe it´s because of the very quit listening with headphones?
Thanks Hubi, yes I can't hear very much of the frequencies at the time being. For my ears at the moment it sounds good and well cutting in the mix, which is the result of me tweaking the sound of the preset to what I could hear sounds good. Probably I hear evrything wrong at the time being. Alsao feel quite dizzy. I will have the wait and see when my hearing hopefully comes back again.
Hi Tony, sorry to read this. Your playing remained intact and sensitive though, even with lots of presence indeed. Wish you to recover normal hearing soon. Try to get an MRI scan of the internal ears if nothing gets better shortly.
Keep on rocking, courage.
Hi Tony, sorry to read this. Your playing remained intact and sensitive though, even with lots of presence indeed. Wish you to recover normal hearing soon. Try to get an MRI scan of the internal ears if nothing gets better shortly.
Keep on rocking, courage.

Thanks and I will try to get an MRI scan when its not getting better. In deed these lots of presence cut very well in the Bandmix and give ma really good playing feel and everything sounds clear and transperent.

I recorded this clip without any processing afterwards, as I wanted it to sound like I felt. sad and agressiv. I now did in my DAW a High and Low cut 200 - 5.000 and used the Comp at default settings in my Reaper Daw and it sounded of course more "pleasant" and smooth. So I have to wait till I hopefully hear again as it is in reality.
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I'm suffering on a "Sudden Hearing Loss" since about 2 weeks and can't hear anything anymore proper. Sounds like my ears are full of water and very dull. My balance is out of order and when I walk I feel dizzy. I dearly hope this will recover soon while I'm getting Cortison infusions.

Could be Meniere's - my fiancee suffered from it but is now in remission.
Good to read, you're welcome, just call it humanity. Keep cool and let's not pick this bloody "I can't hear the name no more thing". Keep on rocking.
Good to read, you're welcome, just call it humanity. Keep cool and let's not pick this bloody "I can't hear the name no more thing". Keep on rocking.

Yes thanks - in Germany this bloody " is dying out now as the spring beginns and they start to think it was just a normal flu. God knows who or what reason is behind this f... happening.
Well...not a normal one everywhere that's the least we could say. Gigging will get a serious cut this year. Maybe June, actually just rehearsing some easier listening blues covers for comping a female singer this summer and hopefully longer. But no steady blues at sight which I prefer.
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