Fractal Facebook page

I'm on it for promotion of my band. I don't post often, but it has to be uplifting or funny, but not in a mean way. I have un-followed many friends because they post (or more likely, re-post) political stuff in both directions - not interested. I prefer to remain positive!

Sort of the same boat for me. I use it for band promo and to find cute animal videos to show my wife. (She's not on FB but loves the critter videos.) I occasionally post funny things, but stay away from politics and religion. I've also enjoyed being able to connect to old friends and students. It has also allowed me to filter out those "friends" with whom I share nothing in common other than the past. The last presidential election had me adding names to my Ignore or Block lists daily...people on both sides of the political spectrum.

The gun and car groups on FB are all similar...lots of the same questions asked daily, and lots of the same snarky/mean-spirited answers given daily. I prefer forums to timelines, especially when it comes to specific subject matter like gear and hobbies. I help run a well-moderated (and largely self-moderated) woodworking forum, and the helpful atmosphere there is similar to what we have here.
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