Found Some Great IRs on the Web

Haha - define articulate? Why it means more defined! Perhaps more detail perceived.

(perhaps I should learn French)...

From my Mac's dictionary:

articulateadjective |ärˈtikyəlit|1 (of a person or a person's words) having or showing theability to speak fluently and coherently: an articulate account of their experiences.2 having joints or jointed segments.• Zoology denoting a brachiopod that has projections and sockets that form a hinge joining the two halves of the shell.verb |-ˌlāt|1 [ with obj. ] express (an idea or feeling [ed: or sound] fluently and coherently: they were unable to articulate their emotions.• pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly: he articulated each word with precision | [ no obj. ] : people who do not articulate well are more difficult to lip-read.2 [ no obj. ] form a joint: the mandible is a solid piecearticulating withthe head.• (be articulated) be connected by joints: the wing is articulated to the thorax.DERIVATIVESarticulable adjective.articulacy |-ləsē| noun.articulately adverb.articulateness noun.articulator |-ˌlātər| nounORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin articulatus, past participle of articulare ‘divide into joints, utter distinctly,’ from articulus ‘small connecting part’ (seearticle) .
Link doesn't work, can someone email it to me please?
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The Ultimate Guitar zip is a bad link / file directory not found. I'd love to have it if it can be fixed, re-posted, or emailed to me. Thanks
Been using these, Wow, I think for like 6 years now. I can't believe how these have stood the test of time, these were the
first Ir's I started with. They still do the job very well. :)
Never tried IRs yet, but now surely will!

actually looking particular to match marshall 1x12 1912 s12b-150
any free ir or user cab that i should try.
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