Fixed FM3 Layout at startup


I can't seem to get my FM3 to start up with Layout 1 View 3. I have tried setting the Startup layout at 1 and the startup View on 3 on both FM3 edit and FM3 itself, but the FM3 keeps on starting up in Layout 1 View 1. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong ?

I also have an FC-12 connected to the FM3 and and the FC-12 does take the setting I have put in, it starts up in layout 9 (Master Layout). So what seems to work for the FC12 does not seems to work for the FM3.
I'm confused. Layout 1 (factory default) is Presets. It'll simply bank up/down through the presets. What is "View 3"? Are you using a customized layout? Because if we're talking the Preset layout, it'll just boot up to wherever it was when you shut down.
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In FC edit in FM3 Edit, you see a 12 switch layout (like FC-12). View 1 are the 3 bottom left switches, view 2 the 3 bottom right switches, view 3 the 3 top left switches, view 4 the 3 top right switches.
I customize my layouts and I want the FM3 to start up in layout 1, view 3. You can set it up like that, but for some reason, this setting is ignored.
Did you try disconnecting the FC12 and see if that changes anything?
Again, which Layout are you using?
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I am confused with your question bout the layout . There are 9 layouts for the foot switches, 9 being the master layout. Layout 1 is indeed called PRESETS by default but one can change the name. This layout only has by default the 3 bottom left switches active, no assignments for the other switches. View 1 shows these 3 bottom left switches. I assigned some actions to the 3 top left switches (shown in view 3) and I want these to be active on startup.

Disconnecting the FC-12 indeed "solves" the problem. Without the FC-12 connected, the FM3 loads the requested layout and view. But when the FC-12 is connected however, the Lay-out and view on the FM3 seems to be always Layout 1 (PRESETS) View 1, no matter what is set in the layout startup and view startup.

I also noticed that changing the Layout on the FC-12 via the FC-12 sometimes also changes the layout on the FM3. Not sure yet how and when.
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If you customize your layouts, then you need to share the all-layouts file with us, otherwise you're asking us to imagine everything you could have done, and because there are many interested in helping, we can imagine a LOT of different things and will then ask about them, and that wastes a lot of time.

We'll also need a really good description of what you're trying to do.
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i can confirm the behavior. i don't know if this is a bug or expected behavior though.

if you have the Startup Layout and View for the FM3 set to L1 V3, on boot without an FC12 plugged in, it goes to L1 V3 as expected.

with an FC12 connected to the FM3, on boot the FM3 goes to Layout 1, View 1 - not View 3 as expected. it happens with any Layout selected fot the FM3 - it will go to View 1 of that Layout on boot.

also, if you have the FC12 unplugged, and have View 3 currently showing on the FM3, when you plug in the FC12 and it finishes loading, the FM3 will change to View 1 immediately. it seems that this behavior is causing the View to change to View 1 on the FM3.

that was all with an FC12. with an FC6 instead, the FM3 does load to the correct View as set for Startup Layout/View.

so i think because an FC12 doesn't have any Views at all (it's all 12 switches already), the FC12 is forcing some sort of "go to View 1" instruction or something like that. the FC6 does have 2 Views, so that View info is respected.

it could be a "limitation" of the FC12 and not sure that can be changed, but it seems to be specifically something with the FC12.
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Installed the new firmware (5.03) and now the layout and view on the FM3 at startup is indeed what is set, both with and without the FC-12 attached. Thank you for fixing this :).
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