FM3 Firmware Version 3.02

Since using firmware 3.02 I have not been able to upload Reverb Mix or Delay Mix controls to the Perform PP or Perform Glb pages.
Now I have beta version 3.03 and I can't either.
Some help?
Cygnus-Beta Monday? That would be Nice but they just bought themselves a month with 3.03 beta dont you think:weary:
I guess I have no reference to be obsessed over a Cygnus release/update, but I have to say a huge thanks for a (requested by me) 3.02 feature that managed to sneak by me while I was busy looking at the performance page functionality: Adding the option of Parametric (EQ type) for global EQ's was huge - delighted to find that at soundcheck a few days ago.. for that matter, delighted to be soundchecking. As a largely acoustic player and sound engineer, this is so much more helpful than a graph. Cheers!
This is an old thread and not the newest firmware available just in case you didn't know. If you know then never mind. .
Faked out again! Not really again but faked out nonetheless...
Was totally going to update to 3.02 tonight, but I am on 3.03 beta 1 already.

FM3 still kicks ass!!
As 3.02 is probably going bye bye today, just thought I'd share this picture as some had questioned the reliability, mines been on for 2 months, I connected and disconnected USB to PC and Laptop daily, created over 100 presets, some were 4CM, some were with modeling.

Not a single issue
As 3.02 is probably going bye bye today, just thought I'd share this picture as some had questioned the reliability, mines been on for 2 months, I connected and disconnected USB to PC and Laptop daily, created over 100 presets, some were 4CM, some were with modeling.

Not a single issue
View attachment 84704
If USB A activated and firmware support external hard drive, you could use it as media server for home entertainment 🤣
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