First time back since May...


So many things have changed..:shock

...Axe Edit works? But seriously.

...there's ANOTHER firmware upgrade? No way. CLR came in? Pigs must fly or something. Bologna.
Yeah, I sold my Axe FX II months ago, on 10 something. The version right before Cliff released the Komet model and several others. I didn't know how to properly dial in the Axe FX II, but after some hands on tube experience with some nice amps, I couldn't be more excited. Every day I wake up, I am so excited to see what new sounds I can come up with. Also no more amp GAS! Everyone on the forum told me I would be back and I wasn't sure, but boy were they right! My first time around I was mostly a headphone user because I wasn't big on how the factory presets sounded coming out of my monitors. Well, now I upgraded my headphones to Beyer DT880's and still have the same monitors, and I like the monitor sound MORE! The Axe FX II has so much potential and options, that you can't just dismiss it if you can't get a good sound out of it. Seriously, I love this thing!
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