I own Axe FX 2 XL+ and FCB1010 without uno chip. I set all needed functions up (which was not easy) except one damn thing - tap tempo. Has anybody managed to program tap tempo on FCB1010 to talk with Fractal correctly?

thanks for help!!
I am not sure if it is possible with stock fcb. momentary switches are really what is needed for tap tempo and in stock form the fcb will not do this, unless you tap it out in eighth notes maybe.
Got it going. Edit your desired preset switch so that both Control messages are active (both 6 and 7 buttons are lit up for CNT1 and CNT2). Set them both to the CC# for tempo (CC#14 by default). Set the value for CNT1 to 127 and CNT2 to zero. That will make the button toggle between sending 127 and zero each time you press the button. The Axe II will interpret each of those alternating values as a tap.
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Thanks Mr Fender! That helped! One more thing. How to make the tap tempo stay the same even when I change a preset?

Got it going. Edit your desired preset switch so that both Control messages are active (both 6 and 7 buttons are lit up for CNT1 and CNT2). Set them both to the CC# for tempo (CC#14 by default). Set the value for CNT1 to 127 and CNT2 to zero. That will make the button toggle between sending 127 and zero each time you press the button. The Axe II will interpret each of those alternating values as a tap.
Got it going. Edit your desired preset switch so that both Control messages are active (both 6 and 7 buttons are lit up for CNT1 and CNT2). Set them both to the CC# for tempo (CC#14 by default). Set the value for CNT1 to 127 and CNT2 to zero. That will make the button toggle between sending 127 and zero each time you press the button. The Axe II will interpret each of those alternating values as a tap.
I never would have thought to send 2 midi commands to accomplish 1 function. That is great thinking outside the box. If I was still using an fcb this thinking would have opened up a few doors.
Thanks for that. Had given up on this and use the tempo button on the front panel. Would not use global temp; would need too much reparametering between presets that are based on half or quarter time. Maybe next winter.
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