Fast times at Ridgemont High table read

Project Mayhem

Just Watched the table read of fast times on YouTube...Hilarious. All star cast...and Dane Cook??? Nonetheless,Morgan
Freeman doing the screen narration of the pool scene alone is priceless. Brad Pitt ad Brad, LeBouf doing spiccoli from his garage while sparking a j the whole time, McConaughey as damone, Julia Roberts as Stacy, and a number of others....if you’ve seen the original...youll dig this.

Watched with the wife, who is Australian and never saw the original, so afterwards I pulled up some scenes so she could have some context...and lo and behold, there‘s a dude in Mr Hands class rocking a Michael Schenker tour shirt!

Not Citizen Kane by any stretch...but Holy shit does it capture the time.

Whenever I hear “Moving in stereo”, I go right back.
Close to my heart. I grew up in Clairemont (Crowe changed the name to Ridgemont for the book).
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