Eric Clapton is 70 today

The first real guitar music I ever heard was when I accidentally came across the 16 minute live version of "Spoonful" from Wheels of Fire on the radio (yes, on the radio) when I was 10 or so. My little classically-trained mind was instantly blown and I knew right then I had to learn to play guitar. That song is still an improvisational masterpiece.
The wife and I had our first dance at our wedding to "Wonderful Tonight", so I've definitely got a soft spot for old Slow Hand.
I think his work in cream alone makes him a guitar god. And while he lost some folks in the 80s.. I still love his solo on no alibis. Also check out his solo on that Bob Dylan tribute thing on YouTube. Unbelievable phrasing. Love him.
I'm sure he's had his share of drug fueled hooker fests back in the day, but he's always maintained a classy image.

BS, there have been several incidents in his life that were anything 'BUT' classy, as he himself admitted in his bio.
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