Election day.....

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It is rare, but not unheard of for people to change their minds. .....
P.S. TWO AccuGroove Tri 112L's - whooeee, you are stylin'!

I meant people changing their minds because someone posted something on a forum. Heck I change my mind all the time, just not because of political posts, but walking in someone else's shoes is often transformational.

Yeah and luvin the Accugrooves too. I could go on about them. Maybe another day.
Well, if they read the books and articles I posted links to, and my blog, with an open mind, they just may see the light and convert to the One True Path. :twisted
This is incredibly offensive, and you should be ashamed. You cannot hide from the nasty generalizations--racial, socio-economic, or otherwise--implicit in this statement, despite any protests or claims to attempted humor you've made since posting this. You knew exactly what you were posting, and you were called out on it. Your claim to hoping that forum members here "would be intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand this" is a laughably acerbic way of trying to extricate yourself from an embarrassing post.

And to address your ridiculous claim: I vote left. So does everyone else in my family and the majority of our friends. The morning after Bush won in 2004, we all got up the next day and went to very well paying jobs, thank you very much. See? I can make offensively elitist statements, too. Note to the right...your generalizations suck.

I'll be happy to defend myself and my statements to you, but I hardly think that this is the forum for that, nor would I want to go through the eye-rolling exercise of airing this out here on the forum. So, shoot me a PM and we can exchange emails and or phone numbers and we can discuss this like adults in an appropriate manner. In the meantime, don't try to SHAME ME into anything, and don't pretend to know ANYTHING about who I am, what is in my HEART, what I've done to help others or done to hurt others. I'm not going to take responsibility for anyone else's sense of shame, OK? You want to talk politics? Fine. Not here. Like I said before, there is a reason why non-political forums discourage political talk. It tends to bring out vitriol, nastiness, and ugliness in people, who are all to happy to hide behind the "wall" of the internet. I myself am and have been guilty of this. And I am kicking myself for not knowing better...not for what I wrote.

yours truly,

Don Imus
I will say that voting is a mess in Ohio.In Columbus many republician voters were turned away where I voted.Why,I dont know.Something about the primaries I was told.I know for a fact that some people voted more than one time.My wife could of voted twice,no problem.If you think for one minute that its impossible to vote more than once,you are very wrong!Depending on where you voted you may or may not have to show ID.That is totally crazy to me.

Columbus,Ohio has the second largest population of Somalians in the USA.They have DESTROYED the north end of our once great city!It really looks like a third world country in some area's.At the early voting station( a abandoned Kohl's store) They had busload after busload of them coming to vote here.Are they registered voters?I don't know. Minnesota has the most in the USA and The buses were from Minnesota.Why would they not vote there? It sure makes one wonder.We can send a rover to mars to test soil and send pictures back to earth but can figure out a honest way for people to vote.ONCE.

I am a small business owner and the direction this country is turning to scares me.My business started in 1931 and the previous owners kept a few journals and pictures of the past.If they were alive I would love to hear what they would have thought about the last 10 or so years.I really am thinking about selling my business soon.The working class should not have to work to provide lazy people with cell phones,section 8 housing,99 weeks of unemployment,ebt cards and so on.Anyone getting anything from the Govt should be drug tested.Obama said today he is working on making the illegal immigrants legal.That will be kill this country for sure!

Just my 2 cents.Life will go on.
This is incredibly offensive, and you should be ashamed. You cannot hide from the nasty generalizations--racial, socio-economic, or otherwise--implicit in this statement, despite any protests or claims to attempted humor you've made since posting this. You knew exactly what you were posting, and you were called out on it. Your claim to hoping that forum members here "would be intelligent enough and realistic enough to understand this" is a laughably acerbic way of trying to extricate yourself from an embarrassing post.

And to address your ridiculous claim: I vote left. So does everyone else in my family and the majority of our friends. The morning after Bush won in 2004, we all got up the next day and went to very well paying jobs, thank you very much. See? I can make offensively elitist statements, too. Note to the right...your generalizations suck.

I tend to agree with Jim.This is all over twitter before the election.

Prison Planet.com » Threats to Riot by Obama Supporters Reach Crescendo
I came up with a rather interesting idea while half asleep at work. Basically we get the presidential candidates to go to an uncleared minefield that we left over from WWII or a proxy war of some sort and have them dance their way through said minefield. Last person alive and dancing is the president for a term. The viewers also vote which candidate does what type of dance on their doomed trek to presidency. You can't tell me that watching Obama doing the Gangam Style across a minefield isn't worth watching. Or Romney shuffling across the minefield. Not only is this highly entertaining, but it would cut down on the amount of blood sucking, lifeless freaks we already have plaguing our Congress. :razz
Short version: we are now part of a corporate oligarchy, not a representative democracy. Obama hired the same schmucks to save the economy (Summers, geitner, Bernacke et. al) that crashed the thing in the first place. (EVERYONE should see the documentary on the financial meltdown Inside Job). Obama is part of the machine too (anyone who thinks this corporatist/centris is a commie or socialist is woefully unobservant and ignorant - he bailed Wall St. for god's Sake!).

I was one of those who, at least emotionally wanted to let all those Wall St. corps to fail - they gambled in the 'free market' - well, let' em lose all their dough when they gamble recklessly. But I admit I am not a macro-economist, so I can't really judge if that was a tenable option. I do strenuously object to all this 'free market' crap - from the Teapot Dome scandal in the 20's (or was it the teens; I forget!) to now, and probably even earlier, when the big players have been in danger of losing their shirts, we, the Sheeple, have bailed their sorry asses out. The only addition to this is now, for 20-30 years, the right has bitched about 'welfare queens' and kept racist proles fixated on that (and abortion and gay marriage) while they (the kleptocracy) pick their bloody pockets clean and send their kids off to die in wars that create more profits for weaponeers and reconstruction companies (bechtel, Halliburton etc.). The fix is in. It is UNCONSCIONABLE that the Obama admin did not embark on STRENUOUS prosecutions of these lying, stealing fat cats. But he knows who butters his bread. At the very least, he wouldn't have been re-elected. He might even have gotten a bullet in the head for his trouble.

The fact is, as long as lobbyists have unfettered access, as long as corporation have the same rights (but not the same moral framework and legal liabilities) as humans, as long as Citizen's United stands, as long as the Military-Industrial-Penal-Pharma-Energy-Minerals complex runs the media (increasingly concentrated into about SIX corporations, we will have a country heading more towards banana republic status. A third-world neo-serfdom. We are all chattel, resources, bought, sold, traded by transnational corporations.

So, the grand experiment of America has failed. not sure if it ever was real, or a fiction. We are pawns, and, apparently, the people running the show have a type of greed that is insatiable to the point that their own survival is threatened (Global Warning, Peak Oil etc.).

And yet, politician-whores like James Inhofe still take MILLIONS of payoffs from the energy industry. Their only requirement: make fun of global warming. Call it the 'greatest hoax in the history of mankind'. Interesting, given that the last thirty-odd months have ALL been warmer than the average for the 20th century.

This is kinda rushed, so probably a little disjointed (I am at work). But anyone interested can read my blog, samuelclaiborne.blogspot.com for more. And they can read three AMAZING books:

1) Addicted to war - MUST reading for Every American School age child

2)A People's History of the United States - Ditto

3) Ill Fares the Land

No one reads anymore. We do not know our history. Most Americans are NOT aware that virtually every war and conflict and skirmish we've engaged our military in, all sold to us as being about 'freedom', 'democracy' and 'liberty' have actualyl been about cheap labor and raw materials to feed the voracious maw of American Consumerism.

I am a capitalist - I work hard, own a house, believe in personal property. But this form of capitalism, what I call 'late-stage capitalism' is like a snake eating its own tale - it's greed is insatiable, and like a virus or a cancer killing a host, it seems unaware that it is depleting the very substances and systems that keep it alive.

Hope that helps.

Wow man. Great post.
From another part of the world and perspective. Today its election in China as well, err.. sort of. Means that that the communist party congress decides who is going to be the next general secretary for the communist party, basically means China's president
Probably will be a older gentleman named Xi Jiping

So no matter if you choose blue or red over there, take good care of your freedom gentlemen ;)
OP......original poster here, if there are any Mods reading this thread would you kindly do me a favor and lock this thread.

When I originally posted this thread it was to express an earnest desire to hear the end off the exact SHIT that this thread has evolved into.

Would someone with with the keys to the kingdom PLEASE put an end to this horseshit and lock this thread!!!
What I got out of this is that there is a mandate. A couple of them actually.

First off, the country isn't this divided. I can talk to as many people as I can find and I cannot find one single person in real life that is anywhere close to the fundamental extremist conservatives or the freespending, give me everything and I don't want to work for it liberals. These people exist on TV and in the news media. Sure there are a few on each side in real life, but a 50/50 split down the frickin middle does not say "we've all picked sides and are ready to fight to the death for them" it says that we're all pretty much in the middle and kind of had to pick one or the other based on which way we lean in real life a bit.

The other mandate is that we want to see a bipartisan government do some damn work and not just sit there and run for office non-stop. The Republicans got really lucky that the split was wide enough amongst voters because after the behavior by them during this first term of Obama's I'd have basically voted no confidence and give Obama every democratic seat in both legislatures so that at least something would get done in this damn place. This bipartisan bullshit has to stop.

I understand that sometimes an idea is not a good idea and you have to stand up and oppose it. This whole "well I don't like it because so and so thought of it first and it may make him look better if it works" is tiring.

Do your damn job, because this next election you won't have it. And that goes for both frickin' sides here.

I mean it...I'll fire them all. ;)
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