Easy instrumental song suggestions?

I was thinking about Somewhere Over The Rainbow but have really listened to see how hard it would be.

I've always loved the original song and also loved the version by IZ, and of course Jeff Beck's version is amazing but I can't compete with that one.

I think songs that many people know will work best.
'Somewhere over...' could def work. Whatever you did would need to be very well known.
I started to include 'Rebel Rouser', but the sax part made me question it. Good choice.
Things that are easily "adapted" would work.

I don't think we plan to play re-creations of anything... So we are open.

The main criteria I think are these:

  1. Easy to learn/play
  2. Recognizable by many
  3. Simpler is better
Had to look that up... Movie reference, correct?

Did they use the same music since it's the same character?
I was wondering the same thing, but I assume he's referring to 'A Shot in the Dark' by Henry Mancini since he quoted you on Pink Panther. It would also make more sense due to being instrumental.
I was wondering the same thing, but I assume he's referring to 'A Shot in the Dark' by Henry Mancini since he quoted you on Pink Panther. It would also make more sense due to being instrumental.
I was wondering the same thing, but I assume he's referring to 'A Shot in the Dark' by Henry Mancini since he quoted you on Pink Panther. It would also make more sense due to being instrumental.
There's a movie with the title directed by Blake Edwards and about Detective Clouseau.
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