Dad Jokes

A priest and a rabbi found themselves sharing a compartment on a train. After a while, the priest opened a conversation by saying, "I know that in your religion you're not supposed to eat pork. Have you actually ever tasted it?"The rabbi said, "I must tell the truth. Yes, I have, once." “And?” says the priest? The Rabbi smiles and says “it was delicious”.
A few moments pass and the Rabbi says, "Your religion, too... I know you're suposed to be celibate, but...?" The priest replied, "Yes, I know what you're going to ask. I have succumbed once or twice." There was silence for a while. Then the Rabbi peeped around the newspaper he was reading and said, "Better than pork, isn't it?"
Gentlemen, I'll need to take a "cave day" left knee is acting up again, and I don't wish to strain it anymore than am going to step away from the computer for a time until the knee feels better...thanks for your well-wishes in advance...
Gentlemen, I'll need to take a "cave day" left knee is acting up again, and I don't wish to strain it anymore than am going to step away from the computer for a time until the knee feels better...thanks for your well-wishes in advance...
Hope you're better soon.
Gentlemen, I'll need to take a "cave day" left knee is acting up again, and I don't wish to strain it anymore than am going to step away from the computer for a time until the knee feels better...thanks for your well-wishes in advance...
sorry to hear, it's my right knee for me, I've had pretty good results acupuncture treatments.

Q: Why did the man with the bad knee go to the mathematician?
A: Because his knees were giving him problems he couldn't solve.
sorry to hear, it's my right knee for me, I've had pretty good results acupuncture treatments.

Q: Why did the man with the bad knee go to the mathematician?
A: Because his knees were giving him problems he couldn't solve.
No worries, as an older man, I've got an intuitive internal barometer that tells me when weather turns wetter or drier, warmer or colder...and a stomach that tells me when it's dinner time...
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Well, the knee has healed and my mid-afternoon consisted of front-yard hedge trimming...I suppose that conjures up all sorts of associated humor, but I'll let it vegetarians can find your own no glutton and will not overdo it again...
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