Crazy "extra" noise/hum


I've been reading through a couple of troubleshooting guides and other threads etc and it seems like I have a lot of unwanted extra noise on my high gain patches, at least, a lot more than I'd expect. After every note there's this little "bzzzt" electrical sounding noise and after trying all different cables (except power cables) the noise is still there.

Is this just regular 60 cycle hum or do I have a bigger problem on my hands? Any "quick fixes?"
Search the threads for possible solutions. Most issues are tamed with adjusting the input level on the Axe so it tickles the red, reducing gain, and adjusting the gate on the Hi gain patch. As I said this will "tame" and not get rid of the issue which could be related to your guitar or environment. Sorry there is no simple solution.
Did you try plugging all your gear in one outlet with a power strip? 1 outlet can take 15 amps so add up the amp for each piece of gear you have so it doesn't go over 15 amps.
Have you tried using "Humbuster" from Axe Fx 2? I made the cables myself. You need low impedance type of cable like the ones you use with microphones. It's in the Axe Fx 2 manual. I tried it and it worked quite well. I have a hum/buzz problem in my studio because the electrician that I hired to do the wiring in my house as I was building my studio did a horrible job. There's a company called Equi=Tech Balanced Power that build power balance systems which aparently takes care of grounding problems. I'm planning to buy one for my studio so I can take care of the problem once and for all. They have good info on grounding problems. Their stuff it's expensive but cheaper than redoing my whole house!
Try turning the gate off and hearing if the buzz still occurs. If so, your pickups could be picking up interference from surrounding stuffs like hand phones, screens, lights and stuff.

Either that or it could be your grounding issue with your guitar?

Another thing to note is that if your guitar action is too low, the buzz will be amplified too, am currently having this problem where if I really dig in a do a hard chug, the buzz will be heard slightly after the attack of the note.
+1 on the above. What you're describing sounds like interference that's being gated by your noise gate. See what it sounds like with your noise gate off.
As I've mentioned in another thread, it's as if some kick up the gain on the reamped track. I haven't tested in my new DAW (X2) because I'm dealing with playback (offset) issues. I record something and it appears to record ok but playback has it about 30ms late. This using asio4all. I freaking hate asio.
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