Wish COT

+1. I recently picked up a Tchula and absolutely love it. The EQD Special/Speaker Cranker is also a favorite of mine which is similarly built on the Electra Distortion circuit. We have the Lovepedal Amp11 already, but only the left side of it, which is basically a Timmy. The boost side on the right is actually a COT50.
+1 on Tchula/COT. As mentioned above, the EQD Special Cranker is also quite similar. Would love to see either one of these in the Fractal ecosystem.
I would love to have a proper model of the Lovepdal CoT. I love this pedal and use it outboard with the FM9. If I could get it 'in the box', I could leave the extra pedal at home.

It's a very simple circuit but he has it tweaked to perfection.
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