Cable cooking - people believe this bs?

Imagine how awesome this would be if you used directional cables as well!

I'm working on a new project that tangles your band cables pre-performance for that authentic pub-gig tone!
Love this one:
" The electrons go back and forth, at least somewhat and at very low speed, they are virtually standing still, but the signal does not go back and forth. That's the issue. Thus any wire or cable will sound better in one direction than the other. This includes wire inside speakers, wire inside transformers, internal wiring of components, fuses, etc. "

Uh, no. The electrons (actually the holes in the valence shell) move back and forth. Very fast. Close to the speed of light. It's called current and is one of the foundations of electricity and electronics. Kinda why they call it "electron"ics.

As another somewhat famous guy once said "A fool and his money are soon parted".
Perhaps with additional treatments they could provide a cable with negative latency (though perhaps limited to one direction). Imagine the wonderful signal chain benefits!
I'm wondering when I'm going to see a similar thread for all the speaker/guitar cabinet BS pseudo-science that's posted in this board every month.

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