This confuses me because of [thread=82271]this thread[/thread].
Is there a way to do something like this on Win7? I'm not looking forward to manually editing each IR one at a time gonna take for ever...
Is there a Win7 version of this by chance?
Here's the (2 Minutes) way how I did the renaming of the OwnHammer wav-files:
I'll edit my original post and quote you so other Windows users can find the info easier.
^^^^^^ Great! Glad that you brought up the idea to automatize the renaming anyway, npx.
I have followed the directions for WIN 7 users exactly and it does not work for me. I even tried to rename them to something not even remotely close to the original file names and still does not work (w axe edit and fractal bot). No matter what I rename it to, when I load it into the axe fx, it automatically gets renamed back to the original file name (with the mic's cut off). I have no idea how! I have renamed the files in my ownhammer folder to much shorter names. I have shortened file names before and after conversion with cab lab and they still somehow get automatically renamed back to the super-long file. Any one else have a better fix or had this issue? Thanks!-Dave