BUG: Description differences between Axechange web and Axechange in Axe Edit

Johan Allard

Power User
I'm trying to upload a preset to Axechange and I've noticed that there's a difference in the display of the Description between Axechange on the web and Axechange when launched inside Axe Edit.

In Axechange on the web, it's possible to include html so I was able to create a list like:

<li>Block 1</li>
<li>Block 2</li>

and it would be displayed as html just fine where's in Axe Edit it was displayed as raw text. Now, for the security conscious this is pretty bad as presumably it would also be possible to include javascript that would be executed in the clients browser.

Alternatively, I tried to create a list like this instead using just text:

- Block 1
- Block 2

This is properly displayed in Axe Edit but in Axe Change on the web the line breaks are not displayed so this is displayed as:

Blocks: - Block 1 - Block 2

Which obviously make it very hard to read if there's more than a few lines.

Since Axe Change on the web uses PHP, can you please at the minimum add at the very minimum the nl2br function (http://php.net/manual/en/function.nl2br.php) so that a description like the above would be properly outlined in Axe Change.

And if you're feeling more adventurous, you may want to look into either stripping html completely or include just some approved tags like b, i, ul, ol, li, ... and make sure that these are displayed properly in both Axe Change on the web and in Axe Edit.

Thank you!
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