Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane Cover [5153 - Red Channel]


Hi guys, long time no post. I've been extremely busy with studying. But I did this track a while ago and I think I forgot to share it. It's basically a cover I did of the song by Breaking Benjamin called Diary of Jane. I've always liked this track since first time I heard it, so it's an oldy but goldy for me.

Anyway the tracking went down like this. I got the vocal stem from some random guy on Youtube. I then programmed the drums according to the song with Superior Drummer 2.4 using the Metal! EZX expansion. The bass is multisampled and the guitars are my Gibson Les Paul Baritone on rythm and my ESP Eclipse II on leads. Both guitars are tracked through Axe-FX II using tube screamer on the frond end and using the 5153 Red Channel with not too much gain.

And here is the result.

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