Brand new AX8 after Axe-FX3?


I was an AX8 owner, but sadly it was stolen a couple of months ago. Luckly I had an FX8 too that I didn't sell when I bought the AX8, so at the moment I returned to my old FX8. Before buying a new AX8 I was wondering if something new is going to be released.
Do you know if it's going to be produced a new version of AX8 with color display and some of the improvements introduced in Axe-FX3?
Anyone who would have the knowledge can’t answer such a question, and the rest of us who chime in with our 2 vents don’t have any real clue

I would say “yes” at some point in the future there will be a new one. If there months or years away, who knows

Well, we all know it will be when it turns up.

Just no one outside of Fractal Skunkworks know's when that will be so there's not much point in speculating mate
Trust me, as a former 1st gen FX8 owner/user I totally understand why the OP is asking this question. I'll spare you the tale of the beating I took selling my FX8, but that didn't stop me from getting an AX8 last week. I live & work in the present, for better or worse. I have NO DOUBT there will be an AX8 mk II, or perhaps an AX24, or whatever it ends up being dubbed as. "When," is another matter entirely, but I'm quite certain it will happen ... "eventually." ;o)
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