Axe III with non-pedal steel on Cuban rock band session.


I was asked by the Cuban rock band Sweet Lizzy Project to play some non-pedal steel on their upcoming album. This is a little clip from when I was doing some overdubs at their house for the album. I was playing my 1960 Fender D8 Stringmaster into my Axe III. Sadly, I've since had to sell my D8 to help make ends meet, but I'm glad I got to record with it on this project.

Steel overdubs session

Their album, Pirate Radio, is an slap in the face to the cruel oppressive communist regime that is now in power in Cuba and who are making life horrible for the people of Cuba. It is very difficult to get access to food and medicine, and when people take to the streets to protest, they are beaten, arrested, or killed.

The tune in this video is from the song DREAMING OF A REVOLUTION. It will be released tomorrow.
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Here's the song. I'm not in the vid - I suspect an old gringo may not fit their record label's brand. :) Their guitar player with the slide is playing the parts I recorded. I played the interludes after each chorus on my steel, and doubled and tripled (up an octave) the guitar with my steel on the outro. I'm very happy to have contributed to this! I truly hope it has an impact for the people of Cuba. Such a great band and genuinely great people!

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I really enjoyed it. Gave me the same feelings I had when I heard Winds of Change for the first time while watching the Berlin Wall coming down on TV as a kid. I didn’t understand what was happening, but I sure understood the look on people’s faces.
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