@Cliff: Awesome Job!! Best decision in my life to buy the AxeFXIIIMK2 
But i got an issue, maybe a bug?
Recording Guitar in Cubase i am using the routing [In USB] - [Out 4] . It is for rehersal the recorded stuff with other instruments. I am using the out 2 for Guitar without effects.
After upgrading to 17.01 Beta 4, i cant use USB to Out4, because the signal is on Mono. (R Channel) and playing Guitar and hearing via Out1 and raising up the level Knob (Out4) i can hear Guitar without Cabinet Processing on one Channel. (Before Firmware upgrade, nothing came out during Playing Guitar)
I tried it with Out2 and Out1. The same result...
Maybe it is a bug?
I reinstalled the Firmware and i tried the newest Windows Driver. (i had to to to back to 5.12 because Windows found AxeFX in DFU Mode without any connection to Axe-Edit!) Nothing changed.
Here is one of my Preset Layout, which is not working like before:

And with another Preset it is working like before:

This is the only one, that is still working like before! And i don´t know why!!
During Playing Guitar, there is no Signal at Out4! Only if i activate it with Cubase for rehersal my recordings.
Greetings from Germany
But i got an issue, maybe a bug?
Recording Guitar in Cubase i am using the routing [In USB] - [Out 4] . It is for rehersal the recorded stuff with other instruments. I am using the out 2 for Guitar without effects.
After upgrading to 17.01 Beta 4, i cant use USB to Out4, because the signal is on Mono. (R Channel) and playing Guitar and hearing via Out1 and raising up the level Knob (Out4) i can hear Guitar without Cabinet Processing on one Channel. (Before Firmware upgrade, nothing came out during Playing Guitar)
I tried it with Out2 and Out1. The same result...
Maybe it is a bug?
I reinstalled the Firmware and i tried the newest Windows Driver. (i had to to to back to 5.12 because Windows found AxeFX in DFU Mode without any connection to Axe-Edit!) Nothing changed.
Here is one of my Preset Layout, which is not working like before:

And with another Preset it is working like before:

This is the only one, that is still working like before! And i don´t know why!!
During Playing Guitar, there is no Signal at Out4! Only if i activate it with Cubase for rehersal my recordings.
Greetings from Germany